I need to prepare a small book for someone. So, I was looking for a tool which could help me achieve that online. I found wikis too unstructured and blogs only allowed chronological order, not book structure. I had very simple set of requirements:
- WYSIWYG : I want to focus more on writing than on tags or markups. That is why I could not use LaTeX or HTML.
- Online: I am on the move and I need the ability to be able to update the pages from anywhere. So, I cannot use MS Word (I do not like it anyway).
- Allows structuring: Allows for Sections, subsections etc. Or perhaps I can create one page for each section, just like a wiki. But I want the ability to be able to sort the content. Move pages from one chapter to another etc. This is not so flexible in wikis. If page sorting can be done visually, it would be too good.
- Add small external media: I may want to add some photos or diagrams in the book. Basic facility only is required.
- Export/Print: In the end, when the book is done, I want to export the content as HTML or PDF so that I can print it offline or send to the publisher.